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Various uncategorised functions


Returns information about the current executor.

Returns: Two strings - the name of the executor and its version.

local name, version = identifyexecutor()
print("Executor:", name, "Version:", version)


Compresses data using the LZ4 algorithm.

  • data: The string to compress.

Returns: The compressed data as a string.

local compressed = lz4compress("Hello, world!")

lz4decompress(data, originalSize)

Decompresses LZ4 compressed data.

  • data: The compressed data string.
  • originalSize: The size of the original, uncompressed data.

Returns: The decompressed data as a string.

local decompressed = lz4decompress(compressed, #"Hello, world!")

messagebox(text, caption, type)

Displays a message box.

  • text: The message to display.
  • caption: The title of the message box.
  • type: An integer representing the type of message box.

Returns: An integer representing the user's response.

local response = messagebox("Do you want to continue?", "Confirmation", 4)

messageboxasync(text, caption, type)

Displays a message box asynchronously.

  • text: The message to display.
  • caption: The title of the message box.
  • type: An integer representing the type of message box.

Returns: Yields and resumes with an integer representing the user's response.

local response = messageboxasync("Processing complete!", "Information", 0)


Executes an encrypted script.

  • script: The encrypted script string to execute.


Queues a script to run after teleporting.

  • script: The script to run after teleportation.


Sets the clipboard content.

  • text: The text to set as the clipboard content.
setclipboard("Copied text")


Sets the FPS cap for Roblox.

  • fps: The desired FPS cap.


Gets the current FPS cap for Roblox.

Returns: The current FPS cap as a number.

local currentFpsCap = getfpscap()
print("Current FPS Cap:", currentFpsCap)


Gets the Lua registry table.

Returns: The Lua registry table.

local registry = getreg()


Clones a Roblox instance reference.

  • instance: The Roblox instance to clone.

Returns: A new reference to the same Roblox instance.

local clonedRef = cloneref(game.Workspace)

compareinstances(instance1, instance2)

Compares two Roblox instances.

  • instance1: The first Roblox instance.
  • instance2: The second Roblox instance.

Returns: A boolean indicating whether the instances are the same.

local areEqual = compareinstances(game.Workspace, game:GetService("Workspace"))


Retrieves objects from an asset ID.

  • assetId: The asset ID to retrieve objects from.

Returns: A table containing the retrieved objects.

local objects = getobjects("rbxassetid://1234567")

newtable(narray: number, nhash: number): table

Creates a new table with specified array and hash sizes, filled with random data to hide memory from scripts.

local hiddenTable = newtable(50, 20)

Parameters: - narray: The size of the array part of the table. - nhash: The size of the hash part of the table.

Returns: A new table with hidden memory.

  • The array part (indices 1 to narray) is filled with false values.
  • The hash part contains nhash elements with random Vector3 keys and false values.
  • Vector3 keys have random X, Y, and Z values between 0 and 1.
  • For effective memory hiding, use narray >= 33 and nhash >= 17.
  • To maintain hidden memory, avoid reducing the number of array/hash values to prevent table reallocation.

Example usage:

-- Create a table with hidden memory
local hiddenTable = newtable(50, 20)

-- Access is normal, but hidden memory is present
print(#hiddenTable)  -- Outputs: 50

-- Adding new elements won't expose hidden memory if within original size
hiddenTable[51] = true