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These functions provide advanced capabilities for interacting with Roblox Instances and their properties.

setfflag(flagName: string, value: any): boolean

Sets a Fast Flag (FFlag) to a specified value.

local success = setfflag("FFlagExampleFlag", true)

Returns: A boolean indicating whether the flag was successfully set.

isnetworkowner(instance: Instance): boolean

Checks if the local player is the network owner of the given instance.

local part = workspace.SomePart
local isOwner = isnetworkowner(part)

Returns: A boolean indicating network ownership.

gethui(): Instance

Retrieves a clone of the CoreGui service that can be used for GUI manipulation.

local hud = gethui()
local frame ="Frame", hud)

Returns: A CoreGui instance.

firesignal(signal: RBXScriptSignal, ...args)

Fires a Roblox signal with the given arguments.

local part = workspace.SomePart
firesignal(part.Touched, otherPart)

getproperties(instance: Instance, [propertyType: number]): table

Retrieves all properties of an instance, optionally filtered by property type.

local properties = getproperties(workspace)

Returns: A table of property names.

gethiddenproperties(instance: Instance, [propertyType: number]): table

Retrieves all hidden properties of an instance, optionally filtered by property type.

local hidden_properties = gethiddenproperties(workspace)

Returns: A table of hidden property names.

getinstancelist(): table

Retrieves the internal instance list used by the exploit.

local instanceList = getinstancelist()

Returns: A table containing all instances.

setsimulationradius(radius: number)

Sets the simulation radius of the local player.


getsimulationradius(): number

Gets the current simulation radius of the local player.

local radius = getsimulationradius()

Returns: The current simulation radius.

fireclickdetector(clickDetector: Instance, [distance: number])

Simulates a click on a ClickDetector.


firetouchinterest(part: Instance, touchingPart: Instance, isTouching: boolean)

Simulates a touch event between two parts.

firetouchinterest(workspace.TouchPart, game.Players.LocalPlayer.Character.HumanoidRootPart, true)
firetouchinterest(workspace.TouchPart, game.Players.LocalPlayer.Character.HumanoidRootPart, false)

fireproximityprompt(proximityPrompt: Instance)

Triggers a ProximityPrompt.


getcallbackvalue(instance: Instance, property: string): function

Retrieves the callback function associated with a property.

local event ="BindableFunction")
event.OnInvoke = print

local callback = getcallbackvalue(event, "OnInvoke")

Returns: The callback function.

getconnections(signal: RBXScriptSignal): table

Retrieves all connections to a given signal.

local connections = getconnections(workspace.Part.Touched)

Returns: A table of Connection objects. Each Connection object has the following structure:

    Function = function,  -- The function attached to this connection
    State = boolean,      -- Whether the connection is currently enabled
    Thread = thread,      -- The thread associated with this connection (if any)
    Fire = function,      -- Function to fire this specific connection
    Defer = function,     -- Function to defer firing this connection
    Disable = function,   -- Function to disable this connection
    Enable = function,    -- Function to enable this connection
    Disconnect = function -- Function to disconnect this connection

Example usage and output:

local part = workspace.Part
local connections = getconnections(part.Touched)

for i, connection in ipairs(connections) do
    print("Connection", i)
    print("  Function:", connection.Function)
    print("  State:", connection.State)
    print("  Thread:", connection.Thread)

    -- You can interact with the connection
    connection.Fire()  -- Fires just this connection
    connection.Disable()  -- Disables this connection
    connection.Enable()   -- Enables this connection
    connection.Disconnect()  -- Disconnects this connection

getconnection(signal, index): Connection

Returns the Connection of signal at index. Alias of getconnections(signal)[index].

local part = workspace.Part
local connection = getconnection(part.Touched, 1)
print("  Function:", connection.Function)
print("  State:", connection.State)
print("  Thread:", connection.Thread)

getcustomasset(filePath: string): string

Loads a file from the workspace folder as a custom asset.

local imageId = getcustomasset("images/myImage.png")

Returns: A content ID for the custom asset.

isscriptable(instance: Instance, property: string): boolean

Checks if a property of an instance is scriptable.

local canScript = isscriptable(workspace.Part, "Transparency")

Returns: A boolean indicating if the property is scriptable.

setscriptable(instance: Instance, property: string, scriptable: boolean): boolean

Sets whether a property of an instance is scriptable.

local wasScriptable = setscriptable(workspace.Part, "Anchored", true)

Returns: The previous scriptable state of the property.

setrbxclipboard(content: string)

Sets the Roblox clipboard content.

setrbxclipboard("Hello, Roblox!")

getrendersteppedlist(descriptive: boolean): table

Returns all callbacks bound with RunService:BindToRenderStep. By default descriptive argument is false

If descriptive is passed as true then it will return a table of Renderstep objects, Each Renderstep object has the following structure:

    func = function,  -- The function attached to this renderstep
    priority = number,-- The priority that this renderstep is bound to
    name = string,    -- The name specified 
-- a non descriptive version
for i, v in getrendersteppedlist() do
    print(i, v)

-- a descriptive version
for i, v in getrendersteppedlist(true) do
    print(i, "function:", v.func, "priority:", v.priority, "name:",

getpcd(instance: TriangleMeshPart)

Returns a 16-byte hash and binary data corresponding to TriangleMeshPart’s PhysicalConfigData property.

getpcd("UnionOperation")) -- (hash), (binarydata)

getunionassetid(instance: UnionOperation)

Equivalent to gethiddenproperty(union, "AssetId")

getunionassetid("UnionOperation")) -- -> rbxassetid://1818

getbspval(instance: Instance, string: property, boolean: base64)

Reads a BinaryString property’s value. Useful for reading conventionally unreadable BinaryString properties such as Terrain.SmoothGrid, PartOperation.PhysicsData, BinaryStringValue.Value, and so on.

    print(getbspval(game, "Tags"))